The next Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Saturday, December 20, 2025. The count is free and open to everyone regardless of their level of experience. Check back here as we get closer to count day for a link to the sign-up form. Thanks!
— John Callender, Carpinteria CBC compiler, jbc@jbcsystems.com
Mailing List
If you want to receive updates about the count you can subscribe to the count’s Google group (like a mailing list) here: Carpinteria CBC Participants (Google group). In the meantime, you can check this page for updates as we get closer to count day.
Links from the last Carpinteria CBC
- Carpinteria CBC 2024: A New Record!
- 2024 Carpinteria CBC detailed participant instructions
- 2024 shared tally spreadsheet – for real-time updates during scouting and on count day
- (805) 664-0583 – Carpinteria CBC Hotline
- Trip reports: Scouting, Count Week, and the CBC itself
- Count circle map – the boundaries of our count circle
- eBird: Main eBird web site, eBird data entry app, a good how-to video on using eBird for data entry, eBird Essentials course
Earlier Carpinteria CBCs
- Recap of the 2023 count
- eBird trip report for the 2023 count
- 2023 Carpinteria CBC group leader effort form
- 2023 shared tally spreadsheet – for real-time updates in the field
- Recap of the 2022 count
- eBird trip report for the 2022 CBC
- Recap of the 2021 count
- eBird trip report for the 2021 CBC
- Announcement of the 2020 count cancellation and recap of the 2019 count
- Recap of the 2018 count
- Species data for the history of the count
Questions? Contact John Callender, jbc@jbcsystems.com, or call 805-455-0053.