This year’s Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Saturday, December 17, 2022. If you’ve participated before and would like to do so again, or if you’re new to the count and want to give it a try, that’s great! You can sign up using the sign-up link below:
Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count 2022 Sign-up Form
To give us time to organize the count we’re asking participants to sign up no later than Saturday, December 3, 2022.
This year we’re strongly encouraging participants to submit their sightings via eBird and to use the online effort form we’ve set up. This helps a lot with the compilation process. Check the page below as we get closer to count day for detailed instructions on how to do that.
Carpinteria CBC Information and Participant Instructions
Thanks everyone! I’m looking forward to a great count!
— John Callender, Carpinteria CBC compiler