For our next online meeting we’ll talk about birding by ear and the new “Sound ID” feature of the Merlin bird identification app. We’ll also discuss the ethics of using recorded playback to attract birds. It should be a fun topic! Special guest: Hugh Ranson.
The meeting will take place via Zoom and YouTube livestream on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.
Zoom info:
Topic: Birding by Ear and Merlin Sound ID: Carpinteria Birdwatchers Meeting for Thursday, August 19, 2021
Time: Aug 19, 2021, 6:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 4079 1993
Passcode: 605381
YouTube livestream:
Links for the meeting:
- petersonbirdsounds.com – Companion site with recordings referenced in Nathan Pieplow’s Peterson Field Guide to the Bird Sounds of Western North America
- EarBirding.com – Nathan Pieplow’s blog on birding by ear
- xeno-canto.org – Community science site with thousands of bird recordings
- “Birding Bob” and the ethics of playback
- The ABA Code of Birding Ethics
- Merlin Sound ID help page
- This ‘Shazam’ for Birds Could Help Save Them – Margaret Renkl’s op-ed piece in the New York Times
- The slides for this meeting