The Carpinteria “Little Big Day” event will be happening in just over a week, on Saturday, April 23, 2022. So far there are two teams that have signed up for the team competition:
- The UCSB Roadrunners, consisting of team leader Max Laubstein and additional team members Alex Castelein, Jeremy Cowan, and Lucas Gaede
- The Old Crows, consisting of team leader John Callender (me) and additional team members Steve Colwell, David Blue, and Linda Blue
I’m excited that we’ll have an actual competition, but more teams would be even better, so if you’ve been thinking about participating, go for it! The link to the sign-up form and all the other details you need to know are on the Carpinteria Little Big Day page.
If you’d prefer to participate in a more casual way, that’s great! The Carpinteria Little Big Day is open to anyone who wants to bird in the Carpinteria area on April 23. If you report your sightings via eBird and are willing to create and share an eBird trip report, you can submit the trip report link using the submission form linked from the same Carpinteria Little Big Day page.
I’ll update that page with details about the virtual get-together we’ll have on the evening of the event to celebrate all the great birds we saw. Hope to see you there!
— John Callender
I’m going to do it by myself unless someone wants to team up with me.
Let me know.
[email protected]