On December 7, 2023, Carpinteria city staff posted a notice near the large sycamore tree located along the Santa Monica Creek bike path just south of El Carro Lane. The notice said that due to a potential public hazard, a request had been made to remove the tree and replace it with another (presumably much smaller) tree.
The notice (which I’ve transcribed below) says that interested parties may file a written protest with the City of Carpinteria’s Public Works Department. It also says there will be a public meeting of the Carpinteria Tree Advisory Board to consider the removal on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at Carpinteria City Hall. (Note: I don’t think there actually is a meeting on that date. See “Update” below.)
On Thursday, January 11, I was able to talk about the proposed removal with Carpinteria Public Works Supervisor Robert Howard. He told me the request had been initiated by a nearby resident concerned by the recent event when a large limb broke off during a wind storm and damaged the fence along the creek. He (Robert Howard) told me that based on a preliminary investigation he was inclined to recommend a partial trimming of the tree rather than its complete removal, but that the final decision would be made by the Tree Advisory Board, and would be based in part on the results of an official arborist’s review of the health of the tree.
Update: It looks like the meeting of the Tree Advisory Board to consider the fate of the sycamore has been postponed until Thursday, May 16, 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback via the survey form I set up; I will be forwarding the comments of those who indicated a willingness for me to do so to the city prior to the meeting.
— John Callender
Notice text:
Notice is hereby given that a written request to replace this street tree has been submitted by an adjacent property owner, and/or City staff.
The replacement of this tree has been requested for:
X Potential public hazard
If final authorization to replace the subject tree is granted by the City of Carpinteria Tree Advisory Board, a more suitable tree for the area according to the City’s revised Street Tree Management Plan will replace the existing tree.
Any interested person may file a written protest to the proposed replacement of this tree. Such protests must be filed with the Department of Public Works, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, California 93013. Such protests must make reference to the location of the subject tree and the reason for such protest and must be signed by the Protestant giving name and address.
A public meeting on the intended replacement of all trees will be held before a regular meeting of the City of Carpinteria Tree Advisory Board on Thursday, February 15th, 2024 at 5:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria, California. During the public meeting, the Board will discuss and consider each replacement request.
For more information please contact Robert Howard, Public Works Supervisor, at (805) 755-4443.
Date Posted: 12-7-2023
Having lived in Carpinteria for 30+ years and walked by that tree weekly. I️ would hope that a competent arborist could be retained to determine the actual health of the tree. If it needs trimming for safety reasons I fully support such action.
I agree with Bart. It does sound promising that the PW Director is in favor of retaining an arborist to protect and maintain the tree. I have filled out the survey form and entered additional comments there. Please feel free to use them. thank you John.