The recent Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count on December 16, 2023, was a great success. More than 60 participants fanned out across our count circle and tallied a record 168 species! We had a brief recap on the night of the count, but now that I’ve had time to catch my breath, I’d love for us…
2023 Carpinteria CBC Preliminary Results
The 2023 Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count is in the books, and what a count it was! Perfect weather and great teamwork by 62 participants produced a preliminary total of 168* species, 7 more than the previous count record. As in previous years, I was helped immensely by co-organizers Laurel Luby and Tom Beland, who did…
2023 Carpinteria CBC Participant Instructions
Thank you for participating in the Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count (CBC). This year the Carpinteria CBC will take place on Saturday, December 16, 2023. Instructions for everyone Know your assignment — You should have been assigned an area to cover by the count’s organizers. If you’re unclear on where you’ll be birding on count day, or…
It’s Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count Sign-up Time!
The Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count will take place Saturday, December 16, 2023. We’re starting to make assignments for count day, so if you’re interested in participating (which is great!) now is the time to sign up. You can use the sign-up form linked below, or head over to the CBC page for more details. Carpinteria…
Group outing for November: Santa Monica Creek
For this month’s outing I thought we’d head back to a location we’ve birded in the past: the Santa Monica Creek bike path off the west end of El Carro Lane in Carpinteria. As has happened in a number of recent winters, an adult male Orchard Oriole has shown up there recently, along with a…
Linus Blomqvist’s ABA Big Year: Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting for November 16
For this month’s Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting we are pleased to have a presentation by local birdwatcher Linus Blomqvist, who is currently doing an American Birding Association (ABA) big year. The meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 16, at the Carpinteria Community Library and via Zoom. As of now Linus is ranked…
“Helping birds” day, Saturday, November 4
One thing members have been telling us is that they’d like to do more to help birds. Accordingly, we’ll hold our first “Helping Birds” day this Saturday, November 4. Anyone who wants to can participate. Meet us at the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park to help us remove non-native weeds under the guidance of Carpinteria…
Group outing for October 28: Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park
For our next group outing we’ll return to a favorite spot: the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park. Join us on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 8 a.m. to see what’s happening at the marsh. — John Callender As always, Carpinteria Birdwatcher outings are free and open to all ages and ability levels. Hope to see…
California Gull: Carpinteria Birdwatchers ONLINE-ONLY meeting for October
For October’s meeting of Carpinteria Birdwatchers a few things will be different: For this month’s meeting we’ll be talking about a really cool species: California Gull. We’ll cover identification, life history, and the fascinating migration these birds perform each year, breeding at inland locations throughout western North America before heading to the Pacific coast for…
Group outing for September: Greenwell Preserve
Our next group outing will be to a fun location we haven’t visited as a group before: the Greenwell Preserve in Summerland. This small natural area features trees, riparian habitat, and a short hiking trail. Location: Greenwell Preserve, SummerlandDate/time: Saturday, September 16, 2023, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.Details: Meet us in the parking lot at…