For October’s meeting of Carpinteria Birdwatchers a few things will be different: For this month’s meeting we’ll be talking about a really cool species: California Gull. We’ll cover identification, life history, and the fascinating migration these birds perform each year, breeding at inland locations throughout western North America before heading to the Pacific coast for…
Group outing for September: Greenwell Preserve
Our next group outing will be to a fun location we haven’t visited as a group before: the Greenwell Preserve in Summerland. This small natural area features trees, riparian habitat, and a short hiking trail. Location: Greenwell Preserve, SummerlandDate/time: Saturday, September 16, 2023, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.Details: Meet us in the parking lot at…
Member survey and Red-tailed Hawks: Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting for September, 2023
The next Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 14. Join us at the Carpinteria Community Library meeting room or tune in via Zoom for an enlightening discussion of our member survey results and a single-species presentation on that glorious hunter of the sky, the Red-tailed Hawk! 😀 As always,…
Member Survey
In anticipation of the return of our regular meetings and outings next month, I’m asking Carpinteria Birdwatchers members to take a brief online survey (linked below). The survey covers the types of meetings and outings people are most interested in, and should take about 5 minutes. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts! —…
Swallow-tailed Gull After-action Review
As many of you know, local birders had an exciting visitor on July 19, 2023: one of only a handful of Swallow-tailed Gulls ever seen in the northern hemisphere. Local birders spent a fair amount of time trying to find the bird; it had been seen and photographed at Goleta Beach Park around 9 a.m.,…
No Carp Birdwatchers meetings in July or August
With many of us traveling and the birding somewhat slow, we’ve decided to take a short break from our monthly meeting and outing schedule. As a result there will be no official meeting or outing of Carpinteria Birdwatchers in the months of July and August, 2023. You’re welcome (and encouraged!) to keep birding. We’ll be…
Group Outing for June: Santa Monica Creek
To tie in with this month’s meeting topic of Backyard Birdwatching, for this month’s outing I thought we’d head back to a location we’ve birded a few times before: the Santa Monica Creek bike path off the west end of El Carro Lane in Carpinteria. Lots of great backyard birds are always on display from…
Backyard Birdwatching: Carpinteria Birdwatchers Meeting for June 22
We’re excited to announce that our next meeting of Carpinteria Birdwatchers will be both an in-person and online event, taking place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 22. Please note that this meeting will be one week later than usual as I will be traveling to see East Coast birds. Join us at the Carpinteria…
Group outing for May: Rincon Bluffs Trail
For our May outing we’ll revisit a fun and scenic location: the Rincon Bluffs Trail. This is the section of the California Coastal Trail that connects Viola Fields at the Carpinteria Bluffs (where we’ll start and end our walk) with the coastal sage scrub habitat of the Rincon Bluffs Nature Preserve to the east. Details:…
Birding in New Zealand: IN PERSON & ONLINE Meeting for May 18
We’re delighted to announce that the next meeting of Carpinteria Birdwatchers will be a combined in-person and online event, taking place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 18. Join us at the Carpinteria Community Library meeting room or via Zoom for an exciting session on birding in New Zealand! Our presenters for the evening will…